Herons: Week One - Scouting and Hazards
Opening Circle We started our day with a song, and sharing our names and one thing we were grateful for this morning. So many gratitudes!...
Tadpoles: Week One - Fairy Houses and Climbing Trees
Opening Circle We started our morning with some songs, and each friend shared something that they were grateful for. We had a snack and...
Gray Squirrels: Week One - Games and Nature Names
We had so much fun on our first day! We agreed on how we are going to treat each other and all living beings. We played fun games that...
After School: Week Two - Sensory Awareness & Shelter Building
Today's forecast was looking pretty rainy, but that doesn't slow us down! We suited up in rain gear, packed a tarp for makeshift shelter,...
After School: Week One - Meeting Friends, Playing Games, and Exploring Halyburton Park
Today was the first day of our after school program and it was a blast! After meeting at the gazebo, and saying goodbye to parents and...
Summer Camp 2017
Monday – Montrose Sensory Awareness Games – practiced listening with “deer ears” and walking with “fox feet” Leaf Scavenger Hunt – find...